🛣️Mpeppé RoadMap

Join Our Community & Track Mpeppe's Progress Throughout Presale & After Market Launch

Stage One

Introducing Mpeppé into the memecoin market with strong credentials to build trust and community.

  • Launch Mpeppé Website

  • Mpeppé Signature Artwork

  • Build X & Telegram Community

  • SolidProof $MPEPE Security Audit

  • Coinsult $MPEPE Security Audit

  • Mpeppé Presale Launch

  • Build NFT Player Card List

  • $MPEPE Token Locking

Stage Two

Pushing $MPEPE to the stratosphere with worldwide marketing campaigns & influencer backing.

  • MPEPE Gaming Snippet

  • Launch Global Marketing

  • Sport Influencer Onboarding

  • Airdrop Giveaway

  • Mpeppé Social Media Campaign

  • Release $100K Giveaway

  • Launch NFT Player Cards

Stage Three

Unleashing $MPEPE to the masses, listing on popular exchanges and increasing accessibility to professional traders.

  • Launch $MPEPE Staking

  • Develop Mpepe Sports Gambling

  • Presale $MPEPE Claim

  • $MPEPE Uniswap Listing

  • Tier 2 CEX Listing

  • Global Marketing Campaign

  • CM & CMC Listing

Stage Four

Continuing Mpeppé growth and development with new CEX listings, In-game rewards and MPEPE aesthetics.

  • Release Mpepe Gaming

  • Google Play & App Store Launch

  • Tier 1 CEX Listing

  • Release Mpepe Sports Gambling

  • Launch Discord Gamers Community

  • Soccer Charity Giveaway

  • Release MPEPE Sports Gambling Chat

  • $MPEPE Gambling Site Listing

Last updated